Incredible shrinking journalist

Bob Hodgen's Story

KR, cancer patient

Roger's fight with multiple sclerosis                                     

Recovery from Rheumatoid Arthritis                                      

Why We Eat Paleo

The cave woman diet

ConnieMS's story (there is a link to other success stories too)

Paleolithic diet: my story

CarbSmart: Low-carb success stories (a lot)

LowCarbLuxury: My story

Jeff's Low Carb Lifestyle

Low Carb and Loving It

SugarBane's Story

Low Carb Pavilion Forum: my story

Cindy's Low Carb site

PCOS and Carbohydrates

Bob's Low Carb Success

Margaret's Low Carb Page-also links to other success stories

Kimberley Debus' success

The Low Glycemic/Low Carb Lifestyle

Low Carb Diet Success Stories from

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